We smart little idea international pre school focuses on providing smart education to our students. So for that we have introduce a new prospectus that is smarteology which provide our students to create and experience a new world under one roof .Play station of our school comprises many toys and tools which enables them to play and explore the world at their basis of interest. Following points we are considering at our school-
Age Group 2-3 Year.
Playing with alphabets ,dancing with numbers ,chasing hindi varnmala, drawing the whole new world. Yes our students now started interacting with the books and curriculum ,so for that we are providing them bundle of happy books that attracts the child to read them. nursery is the class where we are preparing the base of a child so that he/she can confidently face the world.
We provide following curriculum:-
Age Group 3-4 Year.
Now our kids are in the stage where they knew how to create happy environment and its our responsibility to answer there each questions because now they are the treasure of questions which enables them to learn and earn more education. We provide following curriculum for our smart junior kids-
Age Group 4-5 year.
With the smarteology method now our students are fully ready to enter the intellectual world with confidence and eagerness to explore more and more. Curriculum of senior kg students:-
Age Group 5-6 year.
© 2019 All Rights Reserved by Smart Little Idea International School.| Design and Developed By Gatitaa, Pune, MH.